Monday, April 7, 2008

We've been tagged!

I think we've been tagged before but we didn't know how to play the blog tag game. Now that we think we know how to play, here it goes...

How did you meet your spouse? I met Mark at a intro class called Survival at Utah State University. We weren't in the same class at the time but some of his friends were in my class. I was introduced to him through them even thought he basically says that he stole me from them. It sounds like I'm an object or something. Well...... ya know, I am a trophy wife.

Where did you go on your first date? Marks memory is better at these types of details. All I remember about our first date is the chinese take out container with his phone number written on top. I guess that was impressive enough for me because I went on many more dates with him, and yada, yada, yada, we're married with 3 boys.

How long have you been together? Technically we've known each other for 15 years but have been married for 11 years from this past March.

Who eats more? uh? Mark.

Who said I love you first? He did. When he first started saying "I love you", I used to say "I know" or "Thank You." but I've learned to share the love more easily.

Who is taller? We're neck and neck. Mark is only 10 inches taller than I am. It's too close to call.

Who sings better? Mark sings louder and I sing more often but neither of us can carry a tune. Which hasn't stopped us from thinking that we have what it takes to be on American Idol.

Who is smarter? Mark. Even the kids think Mark is smarter than me. I won't even argue this one.

Who does the laundry? Only I do. Mark and I only fight over 2 things in our marriage and laundry is one of them. No, people, get your mind out of the gutter, sex is not the other one. I dare say he has done a couple of loads of laundry since we've been married.

Who does the dishes? I do, but sometimes I can bribe my boys to do them.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Mark does, that side of the canoe is deeper.

Who pays the bills? Funny enough I do even though his profession is a financial advisor.

Who mows the lawn? Mario, and what a fine job he does.

Who cooks dinner? I do, but when we go out to dinner I let Mark take the credit.

Who drives when you are together? Usually Mark does unless he has just purchased a new gadget and is trying to figure it out and then he hands over the reins.

Who is more stubborn? Neither of us are are very stubborn, but Mark gets his way more often.

Who is the first to admit when they’re wrong? Definitely Mark because he is usually wrong.

Who kissed who first? Mark kissed me.  It all went down at the Utah Theater.  Really, who can turn down a man who shows up at my doorstep with the pimped ride of the Seitec truck (The Seitec truck was a u-Haul truck but white, that Marks parents used for their business.), then he pays for my movie at the dollar show....AND he had Diet Coke breath?  Simply irresistable. 

Who proposed? Mark did.  He wined and dined me at El Sol. Then he took me to the Logan temple and dropped the question. It was simple and so sweet.

Who is more sensitive? I am, unless were watching a movie, then Mark becomes the baul baby.

Who has more friends? Mark is friends with pretty much anybody who smiles at him but our friends are the same.

Who has more siblings? Marks family of 12 siblings out does my family of 11. (I am including ourselves and our parents in that number.)

Who wears the pants? This is a no brainer....Mark. He's pretty much wrapped around my finger though so this doesn't threaten me.

We tag Linda, Kolette, and Lizzie. 


Audry said...

Poor little Logan, I feel so bad for him. Love the tag blog

Jenie said...

I loved reading about you and Mark. You're hilarious! This is also what I love about blogging; I would never think to ask you some of these questions, but I now feel like I know you a little better. I love the whole writing his phone number on the top of the chinese take out container and how you said "thanks" when he told you he loved you. Reminds me of Friends; did you watch that? It'll only make sense if you did. Thanks again for watching my kids today...I don't know what I'd do without you guys!

Tiff G. said...

LOL! I love the part, well all of it, but specifically the Sei tec truck, that thing was awesome any girl would feel like the princess she is in that thing! Ahh, the Utah theatre, the balcony was me and DAve's favorite make-out place, jk that was my couch!
You guys are great, I love getting little glimpses into your world! We need to plan a visit to see you or you come see us!

M2B2 said...

Too funny. Dave just explained to me what El Sol looks like. No windows, brick wall, the perfect place to entrap your :). And for the record we can't wait to join you in CA, too.

TnD said...

Sorry, that was me above, not Maurice who is just a friend staying with us, not a blog stalker.

Anonymous said...

I defiantly think you are the smarter one!

koko bean..... said...

Okay great to have you back....And thank you for loving the anwserto the pants cuz lets face it we both know it's TRUE.... Hey I had no idea that Mark was such a Rico Sauvea.. hahaha He is one lucky fellow that you stuck around at all. And yes you are a trophy wife and he better never forget it.

Katie said...

You guys are so cute. I loved your comments on you and Mark. You guys are so great together.

Lizzie said...

to mark from shad....

Do you also cry when you watch the history channel? Is that why you were so offended the other day? We made fun of your idol ball baby!!!!!