Saturday, May 10, 2008

Do you really want a Buzz Lightyear??


The problem with persistence is that it is such a great trait to have when we are adults but can be very annoying to us adults when our children are "practicing" this important attribute.

Persistence is something that Mark insists that our children learn. I have to brainwash myself into agreeing with him. But after the boys have asked me for the 10th time for something that I have said "NO" to, I'm not so sure it is a trait that I like quite as much. Especially with McKee, "No" is the beginning of the negotiation. "NO" does not mean no, it means "I have not come at this situation at the right angle" or "I have not asked in the right way". I think my kids continue with the "annoying" trait because Mark always gives them positive feedback when they outsmart their Mom, not to be confused with disobedience, because he is definitely backs me up there. Mark just loves to see how clever they are in asking for the same thing in different ways.

As this old video of our little ol' Mck (age 2) demonstrates, he came out of the womb persistent. It is fun to see how a two year old turned the tables on Mark. If I remember correctly, Mark was questioned a number of times about how Santa could really bring this new gift (an elephant) that was even better then a Buzz Lightyear...... I loved seeing how the hunter became the hunted and how all of a sudden Mark needed to be the clever one in explaining Santa's limited "capabilities". In the end, a little know how of Santa's Sled weight limit rule that Mark found on page 34 paragraph 8 in the Santa's handbook from Santa's website is what saved the day. It clearly goes into weight limits for gifts but thankfully allowed Santa to be as hefty as he likes.

And yes, in the end McK got his Buzz.


koko bean..... said...

Way to cute. I can't believe how much he looks like Logan to me. How mean can Mark be, all poor little Mck wants is a Buzz Lightyear and he has him so confused that he changes his mind to an elephant. So I need to know does he ever get his Buzz????

Lindsey Smith said...

This i smy favorite video to show my friends, they always get a kick out of it. SOOOOO Cute!

Hess said...

I can watch this over and over and still laugh really hard.

theadventursofsidandlinda said...

What a treasure - kids do say the darnedest things and they are the best entertainment there is. I can hardly wait to get there to give them all a hug and experience them first hand.

Jenie said...

I was thinking how nice it was that you called it "persistence". I have my another word for it, but I like yours better. That's too cute!

Lizzie said...

I don't know how much that Mark really trains your boys, or how much they just inherited that incredibly awesome, yet annoying quality. I have to admit, that Mark has go to be one of the most persistent people I know. = )

Tibbitts Paperbag said...

This little snap shot into the mind of a boy, is exceptionally lucid. the ending was unexpected for me, perfectly timed, and just as funny as funny gets. "pure delight"

Kimberly said...

That was too funny!

Lillie said...

They're too cute, your boys. Why not just let them realize, early on, that their good looks are PRETTY much going to be what gets them what they want anyway? You really do have a set of cool little boys Shari.

Roe Family said...

What a total sweetie!!! From your Cousin from Alberta.

Lizzie said...

Shar and Mark. Since I got to spend 5 days with you both, I am now having serious withdrawls and check your blog more religiously to find, NOTHING. I miss you both. You may think I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not. = )