I guess he had decided that if mom wasn't going to pay attention to his so called needs that he would take matters into his own hands....literaly! Independent little guy! He needed his diaper changed and so he did it himself I have say that I just laughed when I walked in on this, and then I was quite impressed. All the dirty baby wipes were organized on the bed poop side up. I love how clever all my boys can be but Logan has quite the knack for watching how things are done and figuring out how to do it himself. For example, we have had to put child protect covers on the door knob of his bedroom so that he will stay in his room for nap-time and bed-time. I'm sure he thought "no, problem", because he figured out how to take the plastic device completely off and get out of his room. He then would quickly tell on himself that he "I boke mom...boken" and pull my hand to have me come see.
Some other crazy things that Logan has figured out.
-how to unlock the car with keys, open the door, put the keys in the ignition and start the car....SCARY!
-pull up a chair, get my purse off the counter, and eat a whole pack of gum in less that 1 minute, which remides me that he did this yesterday and when I changed his diaper this morning, it has a stong minty smell to that almost completly covered the bad smell......I don't think this is a good thing
-Turn on the electric piano and find a tune to dance to.
-get out two sharp knives and scrape them against each other. He must have seen me sharpening my knives before....SUPER SCARY!
-get a screwdriver and twists on the screws of his toys. He thinks he can change the batteries and who needs mom anyway.
-move his fingers to move the mouse on the laptop mouse pad, regular mouse agility skills are already mastered, even with the click
I love how he figures things out, even if it make my mom job harder.
Oh my I love that the poop side was up! Holy stinkin cute kid! I miss you guys so much!
Shari, this is soooo funny. I have been giggling about it all afternoon.
That is one smart boy you have there. You are always so positive. I don't know how you do it. Super woman for sure! And cute ta boot!
That is SO funny. I've decided that I need to invest in some child locks. I've never had to use them, but Tatum is driving me bonkers. She opens EVERY cupboard and dumps everything out. HELP! It sounds liket Logan and Tatum would be great friends. :)
Shari, pretty sure you got the genius. Poop side up is the evidence for sure. Love that little guy and how much you and Mark both love him and all your boys.
Okay woman I think I just peeped my pants.. I think maybe you should teach he how to change his own diaper anyways then you dont ever have to do it again.. Who needs potty training?RIGHT? Ok now the knifes and the car would scare the CRAP out of me I would so put a leash on him and make sure he could only go so far around the house that way he could only get into so much trouble. But all in all I LOVE LOGAN he is my BUDDY....
what a smart little man, i can't stop giggling.
Holy smokes. I don't know what to comment on first. The poop. Wow. I can't believe how clever he is and how utterly disgusting it must have been to walk in to see poop piles all over the room.
The car!!! Wow. I can't believe he can do that by himself. And the gum! Sounds like little Kate. I don't like to think of how much gum has entered, and hopefully exited her body.
We love those boys, don't we. Everyday is an adventure! Too funny!
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